On September 8, 2024 in regions of Ouarzazate, Zagora, Tinghir, Tata and Errachidia, heavy rainfall has left the several material and human losses. Due to massive flood many houses collapsed and many people lost their lives (18 deaths and 8 missed) and their belongings (livestock, farming material, cars …)
The state contented itself with its warning bulletin and did not take any practical measures the population the risk of death. What would people do if they were told of the danger but were not given a place to go? It would have been possible to open the safest institutions for the population most at risk, but this was not done because of government disregard the lives of citizens.
These floods only revealed the true face of the state in those marginalized and forgotten regions, which colonialism classified as “useless Morocco,” even though they facilitated the entry of major capitalists to plunder its mineral wealth and establish tourism projects that are destructive to its environment.
After decades of direct colonialism, and as the September 2023 earthquake in Ouarzazate and Al Haouz showed, most of these regions are still subject to great marginalization: poor or weak infrastructure, hospitals that are absent or understuffed and underequipped, weak education facilities, , lack of sports and recreational facilities, etc. It is the mentality of plunderers who deal with the regions according to their interests and the accumulation of profits, , and not according to the needs of the population.
Although many days have passed, , the state has not yet intervened in favor of the residents to compensate those affected, especially those who lost their homes and/or belongings , and left the people to face their fate without caring about their suffering, and was content with filming its bulldozers as they tried to repair some roads.
Attac Morocco, while noting the state’s failure to assume its responsibility to intervene to alleviate the suffering of those affected in a manner commensurate with the extent of the damage :
- Declares its unconditional solidarity with all those affected in those areas.
- Demands:
- Providing a decent infrastructure in the affected areas (roads, equipped hospitals, adequate and decent school infrastructure , etc.) that responds to the actual needs of the population .
- Providing compensation to those affected by floods.
- declares its readiness to engage, alongside all progressive and democratic organizations, in standing by the victims, and contributing to breaking the state’s disdain and indifference towards the population.
Rabat on: 09/10/2024
National Secretariat